Church Family,
We’re decorating for Advent 12/2 starting at 10:00am. We’d love and appreciate your help.
Christmas Eve is a Sunday, so that day we’ll worship at 11:00am as usual with a service of lessons and carols and our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:00pm
We’ll have a Bible Study for the next few Thursdays at 11:00am on Biblical “contradictions” and relationships. We’d love for you to join us.
Our Christmas cantata will be 12/17 during worship. We meet Wednesdays at 7:00pm and Sundays at 3:00pm in the coming weeks.
Later that day, on the 17th we’ll have a Christmas party/game night starting at 4:00pm. Bring a dessert or game to share.
Chair Yoga has moved to 4:00pm for the winter. You’re always welcomed to join.
Our Sunday School class is digging into Samuel for the coming weeks, it’s a really fascinating book of scripture and we’d love to have you join us Sundays at 10:00am
Wednesday Events:
Chair Yoga 4:00pm
Choir Practice 6:00pm
Cantata Practice 7:00pm
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