Thank you to Jacob for the devotion!
Church Family,
We want to express our gratitude for everyone who helped out with the funeral for Polly Bagwell Sunday.
The church council will have a yearly planning meeting on 1/22 starting at 4:00pm. If you have thoughts about ways we might live out the mission of the church in 2023 we’d love your input. Feel free to attend the meeting or send me any thoughts or dreams you have ahead of time. We know God can work in all sorts of ways, and we’d love you to be part of God’s work in Swepsonville.
The new bishop of the North Carolina Conference of the UMC, Connie Shelton, will meet with the people of our district on 2/9 at 7:00pm at Mebane UMC. We hope you’ll consider attending, especially since it’s so close by.
Wednesday Events:
Chair Yoga 4:00pm
Choir Practice 7:00pm
Google Meet will not meet Sunday
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people
Church Family,
As we seek to follow Jesus, we can take comfort in the fact that he won’t send us anywhere he hasn’t already been.
The church council will meet today at 4:00pm in the fellowship hall. for a yearly planning meeting. You’re welcomed to join even if you don’t sit on that council.
Along with this prerecording you can join in person worship at 11:00am Sundays via livestream at
Chair Yoga is Wednesdays at 4:00pm. The choir will meet Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Please join us!
Our Google Meet will not meet tonight.
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