“Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”
Church Family,
It’s true that the cost of discipleship is nothing less than all we have, but the reward of knowing Christ surpasses anything this world offers. This scripture, and the message of Jesus, should be a challenge to all of us who live in relative comfort.
I’ve been asked to share that an Alzheimer’s study at Duke is looking for participants. I can put you in touch with a participant for more info, or you can contact nancy.sickel@duke.edu for more info.
Chair Yoga is on Wednesdays at 6:00pm and choir will follow at 6:45pm. Please join us!
Along with this prerecorded worship, we will livestream our 11:00am in-person service at facebook.com/swepsumc
Our Google Meet will meet tonight with a study of the prophets! We hope you will join us.
Link for Google Meet at 6:30pm Sundays. Please join us!
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