“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”
Church Family,
Wherever you find yourself, I hope you can keep this sabbath holy in your own way, and can also find other times to rest in the presence of God throughout the week.
We will share in an Ice Cream Social Sunday 8/28 at 5:00pm! Featuring Gambol the Clown and our bike ministry.
Chair Yoga is moving to Wednesdays at 6:00pm and choir will follow at 6:45pm. Please join us!
Along with this prerecorded worship, we will livestream our 11:00am in-person service at facebook.com/swepsumc
Our Google Meet will reconvene tonight with a study of the prophets! We hope you will join us.
Link for Google Meet at 6:30pm Sundays. Please join us!
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