“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come.”
Church Family,
We were glad to see all the Veteran’s day tributes Thursday and want to extend our immense gratitude to all those who have served our nation. As we approach the end of the church year, it’s worth remembering all those who give of themselves even as Christ gave himself for us.
The Holiday Jubilee will be a great time to begin the holiday season with one another. Please stop by Saturday November 20th from 9-2 to check out all the vendors and welcome those from the community!
The Mobile Library will return November 16th 10:30-11:30am and every three weeks thereafter.
We will decorate the sanctuary for Advent November 27th starting at 10:00am
In the bulletin on Sunday I’ve been including resources for a personal devotion and scripture readings throughout the week. After all, our worship continues every day and not just Sundays. I will begin publishing these in our emails as well for folks who miss Sunday. Email swepsumc@gmail.com to subscribe to our email list.
In devotions on Wednesdays I’ll be working through 1 Thessalonians with an eye towards Advent themes.
I’ve tried to work on making our prayer list below more detailed. If you’d like to add a prayer or detail to a concern below feel free to call, text, or email at any time.
Our Google Meet will continue tonight at 6:30pm with Leviticus 25. We hope you’ll join us!
God bless all of you!
Feel free to reach out at gchristen@nccumc.org or (608)576-0250 with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests
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