“Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”
Church Family,
As we recall and experience the giving of the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost, my hope is that we may be granted tongues to speak to people we know and those we don’t who we meet. I pray the guidance of the Holy Spirit over our whole church, denomination, and over God’s universal church, that we might proclaim God’s welcome to everyone.
Next week we will hear a message from our past Duke intern Billy Sander and those of you in-person will get a chance to meet Jeremy Alcorn, our new summer intern. We’re excited to send Billy off toward his first appointment and to welcome Jeremy into a summer of learning.
I will be out of town from 5/26 (Wednesday) to 6/2 and unavailable via cellphone from the 27th-1st. If you have a pastoral emergency Ben Wolf (Salem) will be available at (252)567-3210. He and our lay leader Carolyn Allen (336)260-6468 will have the number to reach me.
Since we’re going into more appropriate weather for them, going forward I will plan to be on the parsonage porch from 1-3pm Wednesdays and Sundays, and am always available at other times during the week as well.
I’ve tried to work on making our prayer list below more detailed. If you’d like to add a prayer or detail to a concern below feel free to call, text, or email at any time.
Our Google Meet will continue a Genesis study tonight at 6:30pm with Genesis 30:1-24. We won’t meet next week while I’m away.
God bless all of you!
Feel free to reach out at gchristen@nccumc.org or (608)576-0250 with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests
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