“The church is called to be that place where the first signs of the reign of God are identified and acknowledged in the world. Wherever persons are being made new creatures in Christ, wherever the insights and resources of the gospel are brought to bear on the life of the world, God’s reign is already effective in its healing and renewing power. We also look to the end time in which God’s work will be fulfilled. This prospect gives us hope in our present actions as individuals and as the Church. This expectation saves us from resignation and motivates our continuing witness and service.”
The Discipline of the UMC ¶101
Church Family,
Today’s devotion was a reminder, even for me as I was speaking it, to not take what God has done for granted. The Church, and our chance to be a part of it, is an incredible gift, and without it we wouldn’t have the change to grow more Spirit-filled and Christlike.
As noted above, Billy Sander will be preaching (online and in-person) with us on April 18th. We hope you’ll join us to celebrate this strange year that has been his internship.
I will be out of town from 4/19-4/23. While I’ll still have cell service and be available if needed, Ben Wolf (Salem UMC) will be available for any emergencies. His number is (252)567-3210 if needed.
If you know anyone who would like to host a player for the Swepsonville Team of the Old North State League please let me know. They will need housing for the summer, ideally in or near town. It’s so exciting to have regular baseball in Swepsonville, and it’d be a nice way to meet these players if you know someone who might be willing.
I’m trying to add more detail to our prayer list. If you’d like to add a prayer or some detail to a name or if I’ve forgotten anyone, feel free to email and I will update the list. Those of you worshiping online only can also call me with prayer requests if needed.
Our Google Meet will not meet this Sunday, but will return to Sarah and Genesis 21:1-21 on the following Sunday, the 25th.
Link for Sunday 4/25 at 6:30pm. Please join us!
By phone:
+1 617-675-4444 PIN: 913 313 740 4096#
Praying everyone stays safe and healthy!
If you’d like to get in touch please email/call/text me at gchristen@nccumc.org or (608)576-0250
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