A link to a new video is available below:
In uncertain times it is always worthwhile to attend to scripture. I put out some resources in Sunday’s message, and I’ll be putting out video devotions and a video version of our Exodus Bible Study for the next few weeks. I’ve also been informed of a small group of church members attempting to read a book of the Bible per week. This week is Matthew if you’d like to join in. If you’d like any personalized guidance or help feel free to reach out.
Hopefully everyone is staying connected, but remember that we are always joined together in the body of Christ. I hope you are making time for daily prayers for our world and for each other. Especially during these sorts of times, it might be useful to set a few alarms (morning, noon, afternoon, evening) for example and offer up prayers for one another, for those on the prayer list, or for all those whose lives and livelihoods are currently being affected.
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