Our VISION: To be a beacon of God’s light in the church, the community and the world.
Our vision is our inspiration, our guiding principle.
How are you inspired to be a beacon of God’s light? Can you ask yourself every time you come to church, “How am I shining God’s light today in this church?” As you think about how you interact in the community “How am I a beacon of God’s light in this community?” and in the world, “How am I/how are we beacons of God’s light in this world?”
We have a wonderful vision statement that YOU helped to write!!
Swepsonville UMC is known as “the friendly church with the lighted steeple,” but you have heard and articulated the call to BE that light, the light that God gives to all of us and to the world.
Our MISSION is how we go about living out our vision. The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, and our church’s mission is: to be open to the leadings of the Holy Spirit, to nurture the people of the church with the love of Jesus Christ, and to reach out to the community around us and offer God’s love.
How is God calling each one of us to shine our light, to shine GOD’S light by doing these things?
We have a number of plans for outreach activities coming up in an effort to revitalize our mission and vision. Please consider prayerfully how you can reach out in love…in the church, community, and the
world for the sake of sharing God’s light and love. Invite someone to church. Tell them what the church means to you. Ask how the church can help the community. Share your ideas. Enfold every new person into the love of the church as you know it.
What do you dream for our church and community in the next five years? ten?
This community is growing and changing. How is God calling us to respond and live out our vision and mission in this time and place?
Pastor Christi
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