Early in the year, in youth group, we went around the circle and shared our spiritual New Year’s resolutions. I was so touched that almost every single person said some version of “getting closer to God.” I really have no doubt that all of us want that. The question is “how”? Sometimes we simply don’t know how. Or sometimes we do know and we just don’t do it. Lent is the season of the “HOW”! Every single week in worship, we will be focusing on a “spiritual discipline” that, if practiced, will help you get closer to God. We will practice the discipline in our worship service, and give you a day-by-day guide for the entire week. We have included some of those prayers and resources in this newsletter for those of you who can’t get to church every Sunday. As always, I am also here for you to grow in your relationship with God and more than happy to spend time with any of you talking about your journey and how you might do that. It helps me grow closer to God, too! God is always present, ready, desiring to be with us and close to us. Sometimes God finds us in spite of ourselves, but God is always ready to respond when we move toward our Creator and Lover… Lenten and spiritual practices are a big part of the HOW to grow closer to God. I pray that we will take the steps.
Pastor Christi
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